Friday, January 31, 2014

Morning Light

What is it about winter that makes for tired mornings? Lately I find it harder to get up and go, but am finding the return of a spring in my step as we get ready for Spring. One of the best ways to balance out the Winter Weary is a morning practice or routine. It is said that Asana or the physical practice of yoga is best in early morning or evening. As we wake it is recommended to shower, preform Abhyanga or self massage, and then Asana. It is easier said then done, but worth it.If you are not a morning shower person, I recommend at least brushing teeth and splashing some cold water on your face. Find a space, draw the curtains back and allow the morning light to slowly grow with your breathe and movement. It doesn't have to be strenuous or lengthy but find time to sit, and find stillness, and then explore with gentle awareness what your body needs. For suggestion, you can start with 5 minutes of meditation, and gentle stretching seated on the floor. Then make your way into downward facing dog for 5-8 breaths, step forward for an extended forward fold-about 8 to ten breaths and slowly rise pulling belly button towards the spin, one vertebrae at a time, all the way to stand. As we rise with the sun, you can continue to energize yourself with sun salutations. See below!

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